Wound Care:

How wounds heal

Stages of wound healing

Factors that influence the rate of healing

Chronic wounds- leg ulcers, pressure ulcers and diabetic ulcers

Wound Assessment/risk assessment

Dressing choice



Leg Ulcer Management (7 CEUs )

Leg ulcer aetiology

Classification- venous, arterial, mixed and malignant

Diagnostic pathway


Use of compression bandaging and stockings


ABPI Training Programme ( 6 CEUs )

Epidemiology of lower limb ulceration

Anatomy and physiology of circulation system of lower limb

Assessment of individuals presenting with lower limb ulceration or at risk of lower limb ulceration

Theory of Doppler ultrasound

Interpretation of results of Doppler ultrasound

Practical Doppler reading practice session

Discussion and analysis of case studies

Assessment of Doppler Assessment Skills


Infection Prevention and Control:

Basic Microbiology

Universal and Standard precautions

Hand Hygiene


Waste management and linen management

Body fluid spillage

Personal Protective Equipment


Hand Hygiene:

Cross infection

Importance of correct hand hygiene

WHO 5 points of hand hygiene

Hand hygiene technique

Use of soaps and alcohol gels